Mother Nature is pretty spectacular, right? There’s a lot of places around the world that look like work of arts – the Namib Desert, the Grand Canyon, and maybe even just the sunset from your back garden. I came across Matt Molloy’s photographs that make regular landscapes look like they were daubed from a paintbrush during the Impressionist movement. However, Molloy’s works are in fact layered photographs of sunsets created in a timelapse-style fashion. He calls the technique ‘timestacks’ which is essentially all the shots of a video framed into one image. So yes, these landscapes really do exist. Somewhere. And with the right equipment.
Molloy first became interested in this method when he came across ‘star trail’ photos, which is where numerous shots of the sky are put together in one photo to make it look like the stars are moving in circles (which they are, but you don’t generally get to see that with the naked eye). He began experimenting with this technique on landscapes near his home to see if it would work in the same way. The result? Abstract, colourful photographs that look like paintings. See for yourself!
See more of Matt’s work here.
Truly mind-boggling!! I think it also might be a good idea to include a link to some of his work!? I just took a look and surprisingly enough it seems like he doesn’t have his own dedicated site. So this one might give a better idea of his creative path:
Thanks for sharing Lizzie!
Gah! I thought I had put a link in, my bad! It’s there now
I know, it’s strange that he doesn’t have (or doesn’t seem to have) his own site to showcase his amazing, mind-boggling work!